Saturday 1 January 2011

Selection Strategies

Author’s interest lies on whether the chosen candidate will remain in the company to justify the cost of hiring training. Three goals can be identified for successful selection procedures.
Firstly, “identifying the specific characteristics of people who are best equipped to meet the demands of the job, Secondly identify the criteria by which a candidate’s work performance will be assessed and Finally, Setting appropriate evaluative standards”. (Roberts, G. 2004). Henderson (2009) believes that selection models can be as follows. “Try and See model” where the candidate is given a chance to have a go at performing the job, “Lottery Model” where candidates are selected randomly, “Common Sense and Experienced Model” where proven successors are given the highest priority, “Matching Attributes Model” trying to match job attributes the job require and the ones possessed by the candidates and “Competence Model” by matching certain set of abilities of the candidates. One should be very careful when selecting the model as put forward by Henderson as the model should be appropriate to select the right candidates for jobs. (“try and see model definitely not to select surgeons”.) Ultimately the aim of selection should be to find a candidate who posses skills for performing the job and a fitness with the social and physical environment of the company.
 Characteristics of Selection Methods

Table 1 Comparison of characteristics of selection methods
Selection method
Assessment Centres / Work Samples

Recruitment Strategies

Recruitment process consists of many sub contents which are important to overall performance of the process as an effective strategy.  As said before Recruitment Strategy of the company should be able to attract a large talent pool which is suitable to be employed by the organisation. All of these sub contents are required to be noted carefully by the HR department of the company in order to “Get the best and avoid the rest”. (Fyock, 2008). “Basic goals of recruiting are to communicate a positive image of the organisation and to identify and gain the interest and commitment of people who will be good employees”. (Stewart and Brown,2009). Therefore, recruitment process can be segmented as follows.
·         What is the Job – analysing and identifying what to do, how to do, what skills and knowledge are required, who is the best to do. These can be done by a Job Analysis, Job Description and Job’s and Person’s Specifications.
·         Employer Brand Image Building – a considerable effort should be made to communicate the values of the company and together a company can decide between a realistic and an idealistic type of messaging as a recruitment practice.
·         Attracting a talent pool – this will be the recruiting sources of an organisation, common ones being Job Posting, Employee Referrals, Advertising through print and electronic Media.

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection Strategies are developed “with an aim of ensuring that organisational objectives are achieved by getting the right quantity, quality and skills mix of employees at right time”. (Campton and Nankervis, 2009). To increase business performances, recruitment and selection strategies needs to be continuously improved. Even though these two terms, recruitment and Selection are often treated as one there are differences in these two terms. (Collings and Wood ed, 2009).  According to Searle (2003), “for some, Recruitment focuses on the identification and selection of individuals to the organisation whilst Selection is focused on internal applicants and for others Recruitment is about identifying and attracting suitable applicants and Selection is assessments and decision time to employ the suitable candidates from the pool attracted to the vacancy”. Sometimes North American word “Hiring” is also used to indicate both these words together. (Anandakumar and Biswas, 2008). For the purpose of this article author has used the second view of Recruitment to be the processors of attracting capable candidates to the organisation and Selection to be the process of assessing and identifying the suitable candidate from the talent pool.  
Recuitment is attracting a talented pool for organisations, therefore strategies invlove in;
  • Job Analysis, Job Description and Job’s and Person’s Specifications
  • Employer Brand Image Building
  • Job Posting, Employee Referrals, Advertising through print and electronic Media
Selection is choosing the best candidate/s from the talent pool, stratgies involve;
  • Person - Job fit and Person - Organisation Fit
  • Selecting based on Achievements or Potentials of candidates
  • selection methods - interviews, personlity test, assessments, work samples